January 05, 2008


Stood by them,with the heart of a rock,
unable to find the mock in their talk.
Life played yet another prank,
I was made a fool to be frank.

Cruel is the word ,I say,
for treating me in a merciless way.
Mistakes were a part of the past,
but deepest are the shadows they cast.

Life once seemed to be lively ,
gradually I began to feel so lonely.
Silence, just silence to grab on,
with no shoulder to lean upon.

Tears and wails lost in the air,
Gods don't seem to play fair.
Hardest are the tasks at hand,
with everyone talking behind my back.

A comforting hand to hold tight,
a faithful shoulder in times of fight.
A trusting heart in times of emotions ,
these are just my imaginations.

Will you be my trusted friend ,
for you will my heart be lend.
Stand by me all the time,
because i miss you every time.


  1. I wish you Health... So you may enjoy each day in comfort. I wish you the Love of friends and family... And Peace within your heart. I wish you the Beauty of nature... That you may enjoy the work of God. I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities... For those things that really matter in life. I wish you Generousity so you may share... All good things that come to you. I wish you Happiness and Joy... And Blessings for the New Year. I wish you the best of everything... That you so well deserve. HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIEND

  2. Hulo.....hm..i did'nt knw dat ma fnrd wuz such a gud poet....i liked ur works very much...keep goin..may god giv u words which can express de deepest feelings of our HEARTS..take care...Al de very bst.........

  3. helloo...
    what to say
    nice works...
