Social media has more or less become a platform for some( majority??) people, including me, to mind other people's business. I agree that there are pros and cons of it. But then , this is an account of my experience( or lack of experience) with social media.
Not so long ago, it was becoming a routine for me to see feeds of friends getting married, having kids, travelling places etc etc.. Sometimes I felt as if I knew more about others than myself. media for me, was in fact a scale to measure the most happening of all lives. It was not long when I started comparing my life with other peoples' lives. That was my mistake number one.
It so happened that some weeks back, I came across an article on the adverse impact of social media. The study claimed that people who stayed away from social media tend to be more productive, happier and more focused.This was exactly what I needed!! I voluntarily took upon this experiment and deactivated my fb account for 10 days.
It was difficult for the first two days; my daily dose of news was missing! But soon I got used to "the silence" as I would put it. I started feeling much better, I stopped staring at my phone and started talking more to the real people around me; I started focusing on my life and stopped worrying about my not so happening life. I got more time because I was not scrolling through endless feeds or reading posts(like mine). I was free!!
Now I am enjoying the phase of my life where more than liking feeds, I am concentrating on loving my life. How long will this last? I don't know. Fingers crossed! Lesson learned from this: Hit likes; but love your life more. Life happens to you while you watch others live their lives.So, Stop right there , embrace your life and make it happening!
Because social media started out as something that only 'teens took part in, it was purely 'social'. So some business owners appear to be largely unaware of the impact that social media has now. They generally have no idea how much work it is to cut through all the white noise that's already in front of their prospective customers on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. buy youtube likes with paypal