March 20, 2014

THE KRONICLES : The Extraordinary Lives of Extraordinary People

This could be termed as one of the many embarrassing incidents in my college life. In a way, it is not new to some of the girls out there, but, it was new to me until it happened for the first time. I still don't know how it happened or what led to what. Ultimately it happened, and I had to get used to it for many more times. 

Some girls accidentally enter the men's washroom. It is acceptable. It is a plain genuine mistake from their part. What if someone gets in there by external influences? Is that acceptable?Here is my story.

Pic Courtesy: RB
I had this harmful habit of irritating guys and getting into fights with them Half the time in college would be spent running around in college, either after a guy to pinch his skin off or before a guy who would be after my life. It was fun as long as I ended up winning. But, it happened rarely or to better put it, it never happened. It was always my short term goal that never was achieved.

"An idea can change your life". Well, it really changed mine. No apple fell on that  persons head like Newton's , neither was he lying in a tub like Archimedes, when this occurred to him. It is his sheer brilliance, I would say, that gave birth to the idea of locking me inside the gents washroom whenever I troubled him. ( I am discounting the fact that I was truly an inspiration to this person by making his life truly difficult with my angelic behavior ). That is how the saga of entering the guys washroom began.

It was just a routine on some of the days, with some calling me as the unofficial "gents loo inspector", to put it more artistically. What was the methodology of accomplishing this? It was quite simple and had just five steps. The technique could be compared to the way dogs were lured with bones. 

First Step:
One of my many opponents-cum-friends would become irritated by my antics, usually accompanied  by a small tug-of-war between the two of us. Often, joined by many on the other side and me fighting alone royally.

Second Step:
When the war was about to be lost, I always cashed in on the weapons I had: my really strong, sharp nails. That got them running.

Third Step:
The smell of a victory always boosted my energy. I ran behind them no matter how small my steps were or how slow my pace was or how funny my running was.

Fourth Step:
They conveniently got in the gents washroom and acted as perfect baits. I was lured by my lust for victory and would loiter near the area. The whole world could see me, but I was convinced that I was good at sneaking and spying on them.

Fifth Step:
During one of those vulnerable moments, I would be conveniently pulled into the washroom , the same time, they jumped out and locked the door from outside.

As quick as lightening, this all used to happen. Before I realized, I would be peeping out through the small glass window on the door, waiting for my freedom. 

The most embarrassing situation was when some other guy opened the door, and I walked out. Poor him, he must have been shocked and confused so much, that he went away without even entering the washroom. Second instance was when, I was pushed in and there was already some body inside. This time, I was shocked.

These were awkward moments, but when I look back now, I can do nothing but laugh till my stomach aches. I am not embarrassed to say " Thanks for the extraordinary " memories guys. I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen the 5 steps happening u for all those stupid things which we will cherish always!!
