April 20, 2014

THE KRONICLES : The Ultimate Gains

Pic Courtesy:RB
With just days for me to step out of this institution, serious questions are arising in my mind. It is gladdening that finally I have learned to come up with questions for everything that goes around me, though I don't get answers for half of my queries.

The question that constantly nags me is what have I gained from the six years at college? This might not be a surprise question to many because I know that majority are with me in that. So, this is the account of my quest for its answer which started off right from the moment I began typing this out.

Six years! It passed so quickly by I hardly can forget each and every second of it. It was an experience that taught me what I should be and what I should not be. Fortunately or unfortunately, the latter list is the longest. I learned that it is hard to be what I am, because everywhere people are more concerned about how bad others are than of oneself. So unless one develops a very tough skin (get it patented first to avoid further troubles!!), it is difficult to be oneself. Hmm..

“Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide to the future.”My first gain is the hoard of lessons I learned ((of course, not from the books!)).So what were the valuable lessons that I learned?

1.  Befriend yourself first, then think of befriending others. There are situations when you have no one but yourself, if you don’t want to be lonely, then be your friend first!!Because, you are the only person who knows you and sticks by you through thick and thin.
2.  You don’t have to prove to others anything. Ultimately, it’s you and your life. So, every time you fall, be happy that you have learned yet another lesson and that you are richer in lessons. In fact, I have fallen more than once and have been so adamant that I would not learn anything from it. I sulked and kept on blaming myself rather than thinking of the brighter side. Somewhere, I realized with the help of some wonderful teachers and friends, that whatever happens, I have to be me!!
3.   A true friend is the one who is there for you all the time, who believes that it is his duty to tell you that you are wrong when you have committed a blunder, the one who loves you for being YOU, with all the negative and positive traits, most importantly, the one who wants you to be a better person and wants you to succeed . So, when you have people clapping for you, even when you keep doing one mistake after another, ask once, to your heart “are they really my friends?”
4.  “All that smiles is not true”. There is good and bad in everything. But, when you have people around, who know to smile at others, and later talk ill of them, BE ALERT!! If they are doing this to others, they can do the same to you. These are the signals that will help you to understand that for the good of others, stay far from the “smileys”. Else, you will drown in their negative aura, and will be infected with the deadliest virus, nothing will seem right to you from then on.
5.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more good you are, the greater the hurdles you have to face. Stay the same but be willing to change for the better.

These are the excerpts from a page of the epic of my college life. I guess these lessons are indeed a gain after the series of losses that incurred.

“One may have friends all over the world, but very few will truly know your heart.”This was the greatest realization, I ever had. The art of dealing with human character and thoughts is hard to learn. What makes it even more complex is that we are all are trying to live up to William Shakespeare’s words (in the opposite way that would have left even Shakespeare speechless!). “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,” The only problem is that we are trying to play the many parts at the same time. Alas, there are no Oscars for this bit of finest acting.

All the above beating around the bush, finally leads me to the conclusion that my second gain is the few but trustworthy friends that I have amassed. When everything around me had gone wrong, more than once, I had my friends ((my guardian angels)) who constantly reminded that they were there for me. “When people are true friends, even shared water tastes sweet.” Some one very wise had written the above quote. In my case, I would like to add that the single bar of chocolate shared by many, in between classes were the sweetest!!

The third gain is the memories that I have, the bitter and the sweet!!Though at times I feel that life (or some people??) is unkind, I cannot ignore the memories that are enriching me. Memories are priceless, they have the magic to keep us alive on the dullest of days and to make us sad on the happiest days. How can I forget the small trips to some beautiful places with great friends, the classes when all are in their own worlds, the silly but funny games and pranks played, the jokes that can make only us laugh, the times when my friends begged me to stop the recital of my never ending tales so that they could get some rest to their ears (hey guys, I know that I have never granted your requests, but still, I don’t repent it. Because, we did get many moments to look back and laugh upon later in life)….memories are countless!!  It’s a treasure that is not trade -able. I cling on to it and will continue doing so!!

I guess I am lucky enough to realize my gains and jot it down, because I am feeling so overwhelmed. Even the seconds that passed by, had light years of gifts in store for me, most of which I did not care enough of, but some of which had more than enough care for me!! The list is not complete and never will it, but for the time being, these three make me a billionaire!! Thanks a zillion times to all those who have made me the richest. My college life is not just about me, it’s about the lives of who have touched my life in small but significant ways. And, this is for them for lighting up my life. Let not my words nor my memories fade away, because without these, I am incomplete!!


  1. Ramu gud thougths..liked 3rd point, 5th points is Newton's uncle. All the best and keep writing!!

  2. nice Ramu ... got to know that how to make water sweet without adding suger :P :P :P

    1. well baba...its smthn dat olly biotechs can understnd!!!
